I no longer pray per se but..
Waking up in the morning as I greet my day, I no longer pray asking HIM if HE can turn it my way. I get onto my knees not with the hope that, my day will turn any different or better to say, If I pray.. For I know that HE has already planned my day. I fold my hands more in gratitude and, to acknowledge the unfathomable power of nature and the divine. With the theory of karma being mysterious to me, but hearing all the time that it is working in the background, I sometimes give up in fighting over my thoughts on, how things "should have" turned out, as opposed to how HE has made them happen. This is not to say that I am ungrateful for waking up to another sunrise, Or that I am by any means disappointed seeing not much control over destiny, But a mere understanding and acceptance that there are few things beyond my control. With every event that is happening, Is it a blessing in disguise for I might not know what is best for me, given ...