Challenges make you real
If you were to ask me of the first few words that come to mind as I think of this term - challenges, you would hear me saying - hard, inevitable, lonely, vulnerable. And these are the very reasons that hold us from embracing them. We are unsure if we will be able to move past the hard times and even if we do, how long will it take us to get there. It is truly hard to mine and dig deep into what lies beneath or ahead of the challenge when you are actually going through it.
Then comes the popular advice that we should see these challenges as opportunities for growth and how they help us emerge stronger than before. As true as this advice is, why is it still hard to put it into practice when it is needed? I believe one of the reasons is that the benefit seems intangible for a long time until we run into a situation where we recognize how one of the past experiences is being helpful.
Over the past some time, I have found another way to highlight the value of challenges to myself. Something that is tangible and gratifying in a way.
It is this reminder that sometime down the road if someone opens up to me on a similar struggle, I know this experience will make me capable to empathize and connect at a level beyond providing a relatively surface level of comfort; which would be the case if I had not been in the other person's shoes at least to some degree if not completely.
It is these challenges, the perspectives they offer that will strengthen my connections in a much richer way which otherwise would only remain limited to casual or formal greetings, hangouts, or laughter, and fun moments.
Looking back at my life over the past decade, I can certainly say that I am grateful for some of my friendships. And if it were not for the challenges I have experienced and had I not been open to sharing them with others, I probably would not have some of those connections that I cherish deeply.
So, next time when one strikes, I know that while I most likely will go through its typical accompanying feelings of discomfort and worry to a certain extent but life has also taught me that they have a positive side to them too - they make me human. They make me real.
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