Experiences - Real vs. Virtual
A question about one's preference between a real and a virtual experience would perhaps sound rhetorical to many of us. If you were to ask me, I would not only give a loud cheer to a real experience in most cases but also a strong no to the virtual. My immediate reaction would be accompanied by a question, for if it is virtual, does it even count as an experience. Today, I caught myself contradicting my own belief here when I found myself enjoying watching a hiking video online. As much I love being in the mountains, I prefer hiking during the summer months only. But interestingly and to my pleasant surprise, I recognized how I derived a great sense of joy even enjoying it vicariously by watching that well directed video. In my defense, I can say that it is not completely virtual since I have been on actual hikes too. So, in some ways, the online video was nostalgic, more than just virtual? Perhaps. As another example, I do enjoy (and lean towards!) watching Mt. Everest summ...